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About Urdu and Arabic Language

Urdu is spoken by over 230 million people worldwide, primarily in Pakistan, India, and some parts of Afghanistan. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan language family and is one of the official languages of Pakistan. It is also spoken by Urdu-speaking communities around the world, especially in the Middle East.

Arabic, on the other hand, is spoken by over 420 million people worldwide, primarily in the Middle East and North Africa. It is a Semitic language and is the official language of 26 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq.

Urdu and Arabic are both languages with a rich history and culture. Arabic has a significant influence on the Urdu language, especially in terms of vocabulary and writing system. Urdu also has borrowed some grammatical structures from Arabic.

When it comes to grammar, Urdu and Arabic have some differences. Urdu follows a subject-object-verb sentence structure, while Arabic follows a verb-subject-object sentence structure. Arabic also has a more complex system of noun compared to Urdu.

Additionally, the writing systems used by the two languages are also different. Urdu uses a script called the Nastaliq script, which is a modified form of the Persian script. On the other hand, Arabic uses the Arabic script, which is an Abjad writing system.

Despite these differences, both languages have some similarities as well. For instance, both languages use honorifics to show respect when addressing elders. In Arabic, the honorific suffix "-ji" (جي) or "-ah" (آه) can be added to someone's name or title, while in Urdu, the honorific "janab" (جناب) or "sahib" (صاحب) is added.

In addition to their languages, Pakistani and Arab cultures share several similarities. These include showing respect for elders, celebrating festivals and special occasions, emphasizing education, wearing traditional clothing, and valuing hospitality and food. Arabic culture also has a rich history of literature, music, and dance, and Urdu culture is known for its poetry, ghazals, and qawwali music.

Key Features of Our Translation Software

  •   Easy and Instant Translation:

    You can easily translate Urdu words, sentences and phrases into corresponding Arabic.

    For example:

    Typing "اردو ایک ہند آریائی زبان ہے جو مغلیہ سلطنت کے دوران برصغیر پاک و ہند میں شروع ہوئی۔ یہ پاکستان کی سرکاری زبان ہے اور ہندوستان کی 22 شیڈول زبانوں میں سے ایک ہے۔" in Urdu will be converted into "الأردية هي لغة هندية آرية نشأت في شبه القارة الهندية خلال إمبراطورية المغول. إنها اللغة الرسمية لباكستان وواحدة من 22 لغة مقررة في الهند."

    You can also use this software as a dictionary to convert Urdu to Arabic.

    For example:

    ثقافت meaning in Arabic will be "ثقافة"
    منفرد meaning in Urdu will be "فريد"
  •   Multi-Platform Support:
    Our translator is supported on all major platforms, including desktop computers, Apple iPhones, and Android devices from Samsung, Xiaomi, Redmi, and many others.
  •   High Accuracy Rate:
    Since our Arabic to Urdu translation software uses the Google API, it is more accurate than other websites that use their own or other APIs, such as Yandex or Baidu.
  •   Multi-Language Translation:
    Use our website to translate between Urdu and many other languages, including:

    English To UrduUrdu To EnglishHindi To UrduUrdu To BengaliUrdu To GujaratiUrdu To MalayBaluchi to EnglishDari to English

  •   FREE and Unlimited Translation:
    Like our online Urdu typing tool, this new translation tool is 100% free and allows unlimited requests. We have, however, placed a few restrictions to prevent bots from making excessive translation requests.

Greeting & Pleasantries, and Phrases for Starting Conversation.

کسی سے ملاقات کرتے وقت بات چیت شروع کرنے کے لیے جملے دریافت کریں اور بامعنی مکالمے میں مشغول ہوں۔ مزید برآں، ایک دوستانہ ماحول کو فروغ دینے کے لیے اپنے آپ کو سلام اور خوشگوار جملوں سے آشنا کریں۔.

Hello. / Hi.
ہیلو. / ہیلو
مرحبًا. / أهلاً.
(mrhban. / ahlaan.)
How are you?
آپ کیسے ہو؟
كيف حالك؟
(kayf halika?)
I am fine. And you?
میں ٹھیک ہوں. اور آپ؟
أنا بخير. وأنت؟
('ana bikhayri. wa'anti?)
What is your name?
آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟
ما اسمك؟
(ma asmuk?)
My name is Abdul.
میرا نام عبدل ہے۔
اسمي عبد.
(aismi eabd.)
I am pleased to meet you.
تم سے مل کے خوشی ہوی.
أنا سعيد بمقابلتك.
('ana saeid bimuqabalatika.)
Thank you.
شكرًا لك.
(shkran lika.)
You are welcome.
آپکا خیر مقدم ہے.
مرحباً بك.
(mrhbaan bika.)
برائے مہربانی.
لو سمحت.
(law samahta.)
Excuse me. / Sorry.
معاف کیجئے گا. / معذرت۔
اعذرني. / آسف.
(aedhirini. / asfa.)
Yes. / No.
جی ہاں. / نہیں.
نعم. / لا.
(naema. / la.)
Good morning.
صبح بخیر.
صباح الخير.
(sabah alkhayri.)
Today is a nice day, isn`t it?
آج ایک اچھا دن ہے، ہے نا؟
اليوم يوم جميل أليس كذلك؟
(alyawm yawm jamil 'alays kadhalika?)
Where are you from?
آپ کہاں سے ہیں؟
من أين أنت؟
(min 'ayn 'anti?)
Do you live here?
کیا تم یہاں رہتے ہو؟
هل تسكن هنا؟
(hal taskun huna?)
Do you like it here?
کیا آپ کو یہ یہاں پسند ہے؟
هل ترغب في ذلك هنا؟
(hal targhab fi dhalik huna?)
Yes, I like it here.
ہاں، مجھے یہ یہاں پسند ہے۔
نعم ، أحبه هنا.
(naeam , 'uhabuh huna.)
How long are you here for?
آپ یہاں کب سے ہیں؟
متى أنت هنا ل؟
(mataa 'ant huna la?)
I am here for three days / weeks.
میں یہاں تین دن/ہفتوں کے لیے ہوں۔
أنا هنا لمدة ثلاثة أيام / أسابيع.
('ana huna limudat thalathat 'ayaam / 'asabiea.)
Where are you going?
آپ کہاں جا رہے ہیں؟
إلى أين تذهب؟
('iilaa 'ayn tadhhabi?)
How old are you?
آپ کتنے سال کے ہو؟
كم عمرك؟
(kam eumarka?)
What is your occupation?
تمھارا پیشہ کیا ہے؟
ماهي مهنتك؟
(mahi mihnatuki?)
I am an Electrician.
میں ایک الیکٹریشن ہوں۔
أنا كهربائي.
('ana kahrabayiy.)
I am a student.
میں نے ایک طالب علم ہوں.
أنا طالب.
('ana talib.)
Useful Urdu Phrases ...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Transliteration and Translation?

Translation is a process of converting the meaning of a word, sentence, and phrase from one language to another. Usually translations are done from English to Urdu and vice versa. However, Google uses an online machine translation service to translate text between various languages using algorithms that take various factors into account such as grammar. Syntax, and context. On this page, you can translate from Urdu to Arabic. For example, if you type “آپ کیسے ہو؟” in Urdu it will be translated into “كيف حالك؟” in Arabic.

On the other hand, transliteration involves converting the sounds of a word from one language to another. For example, if an English word is written that represents a sound in Urdu, then this written word will be converted into the corresponding Urdu word that produce a similar sound. For instance, typing “kya haal hai” in Roman English will be converted into “كيا حال ہے”.

Why Urdu to Arabic translation is not always accurate?

The accuracy of the Urdu to Arabic translation depends on the complexity of the text, grammar, syntax, context and cultural nuances of the two languages. As this translation depends on the machine translation provided by Google, the target output in Arabic may not produce a completely accurate translation.

Despite these limitations our translator is useful if you need help framing the sentence and get a general idea of what the Urdu sentence, or phrase is conveying the message in Arabic. You can edit the translated output and even use our in-build keyboard to modify and get near to perfect translation.

Is it FREE?

Yes, our Urdu to Arabic translation feature is completely free to use.

However, that is a soft limit on the number of characters you can translate at one time. This is done to ensure our software is not misused.

How can I translate Urdu (اردو) text on image or picture?

There are several ways you can translate Urdu text embedded on an image.

You can use free online OCR (Optical Character Recognitions) tools that can extract text from images and convert it into a text which you can copy and paste into our translation software. For e.g. you can use Google Drive as an OCR tool. Just upload the image to Google Drive. Then right-click on it and select "Open with Google Docs" to convert it into text.

If you use a smartphone, you can download various Translation Apps, such as Google Translate App, that has in-built support to translate text on images.

Besides, if you understand Urdu you can manually translate the text on the image or seek professional translators to accurately translate text on images.

Is this website secure?

Our website uses SSL encryption to ensure all the translated text is transmitted securely.

In addition, we don't store the translated input and output text on our Server. We only store this locally on your computer browser for you to view the translation history.

This means if you are using the public computer, be sure to clear all history. To do so, click on the "View History button". If any data has been stored on your computer browser then you can see the "Clear all history" link. Click on this link to erase all the data on your computer browser.

Translate English words, sentences and phrases into Urdu for FREE.
Translate Hindi words, sentences and phrases into Urdu for FREE.
Translate Urdu words, sentences and phrases into Arabic for FREE.
Translate Arabic words, sentences and phrases into Urdu for FREE.
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